Jun 30, 2011

Thursday Reading: Reactions to 6th Circ's decision & more

Jun 29, 2011

Wednesday Reading: Krug's de-evolution, school as signaling, & more

Welcome to the first of NYU Fed-Soc's daily(?), weekly(?), annual(?) morning read post!  Check this post out throughout the day to find interesting articles on politics, law, and economics.

Jun 28, 2011

Fed-Soc's Updated Bibliography

The national chapter of the Federalist Society has updated its annotated bibliography of Conservative and Libertarian Legal Scholarship.  The bibliography provides a wealth of great resources for Fed-Soc'rs and those interested in conservative or libertarian legal thought.  This incarnation of the bibliography is more expansive than ever before and covers every major area of the law.

Be sure to check it all out here.

HT to Orin Kerr at the Volokh Conspiracy.