Apr 9, 2014

Judge Napolitano at NYU Law

Judge Andrew Napolitano:
"Do We Still Have a Constitution?"

Monday, April 21, 6:00 p.m.
New York University School of Law 
245 Sullivan St., NY 10012 (Furman Hall, 9th Floor) 

Judge Andrew Napolitano, one of America's staunchest advocates for individual liberty, will discuss the present-day assault on the Constitution, from NSA spying, to Obamacare's mandates, to the President's rule by executive fiat. What does it mean to have a Constitution in a world where natural rights -- speech, press, worship, self-defense, travel, bodily integrity, privacy, etc. -- are constantly infringed by the President and Congress, and the courts abide by refusing to enforce constitutional guarantees?

This event is open to the public. Please feel free to forward this invitation to friends and colleagues. Refreshments will be provided. 

Judge Napolitano is a senior judicial analyst at Fox News and distinguished visiting professor of law at Brooklyn Law School. He is the author of seven books on the U.S. Constitution, including two New York Times best sellers. 

Hosted by the Federalist Society

Apr 2, 2014

NYU Law Digital Currency Conference

Digital Currency Conference at NYU Law

April 7, 2014
4:00 - 8:00 pm

New York University School of Law
Furman Hall, 9th Floor, Lester Pollack Colloquium, 245 Sullivan St., NY 10012

In recent years, digital currencies have emerged as an innovative and potentially disruptive technology. They have generated interest and debate, and are increasingly a focus of mainstream press coverage and everyday discussion. Chief among these digital currencies is Bitcoin, which has drawn the attention of regulators, lawmakers, businessmen, and entrepreneurs. We are delighted to invite you to NYU Law for an evening with some of the key individuals involved in the study and use of virtual currencies.

Panel 1: Legal and Policy

Jerry Brito (Mercatus Center) 
John Collins (Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee)
Brian Klein (Baker Marquart; Chair, Bitcoin Foundation's Legal Advocacy Committee)
Reuben Grinberg (Davis Polk) 
Carter Dougherty (Bloomberg News) (moderator)

Panel 2: Business and Economics 
Nicolas Colas (BNY Mellon ConvergEx
Steven Englander (Citigroup)
Marwan Forzley (Independent)
Antonis Polemitis (Ledra Capital) 
Alex Waters (CoinApex)
Sara Eisen (CNBC) (moderator)

Trevor Morrison (Dean and Eric M. and Laurie B. Roth Professor of Law at NYU Law) will make opening remarks.  A reception will follow the second panel.

Space is limited
Please RSVP

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NYU Federalist Society