Sep 3, 2012

NFIB v. Sibelius and the Power to Tax

Join the NYU Federalist Society on Thursday, September 6 at 4 PM in Vanderbilt Hall 216 for a spirited debate over the Supreme Court's Affordable Care Act decision.  

Professor Michael Paulsen of the University of St. Thomas Law School will offer a conservative defense of Chief Justice Roberts' opinion in NFIB v. Sibelius.  NYU's own Richard Epstein will explain why Justice Roberts got it wrong.  Professor Michael McConnell will moderate the debate and provide comments.  Audience members are encouraged to ask questions and spar with the participants!
As always, pizza and refreshments will be served.  No broccoli mandates.

Mar 6, 2012

Event Thursday: Todd Zywicki on the Financial Crisis

This Thursday we will have the pleasure of hosting George Mason's Professor Todd Zywicki. Prof. Zywicki is an expert in law and economics, and you may know him as a frequent blogger at the Volokh Conspiracy. In addition to blogging, he has published over 70 articles in leading law reviews and journals, and he frequently contributes to leading publications such as the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the New York Times, and many more print and television news sources.

Prof. Zywicki is a favorite speaker on the Fed-Soc circuit, and his speech is guaranteed to be lively and engaging. The subject of the speech will be the 2008 financial crisis and subsequent efforts to address it.

What: Todd Zywicki on the Financial Crisis
When: Thursday, Mar. 8 @ 4p.m.
Where: Vanderbilt Hall, 214

As always, food will be provided.  This week's treat: Magnolia Bakery Cupcakes!

Mar 3, 2012

Federalist Society Symposium

Randy Barnett debates Pamela Karlan on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act.

Best quote so far: "So, can the Congress force people to buy a GM car? They did! You just didn't get to keep the car."
- Pamela Karlan

Best Exchange:

Barnett: "... impetuses. Impeti? What's the plural?"
Karlan: "I believe it's impetoose, because it's fourth declension. But I might have just made that up."

Professor Epstein and the rest of the NYU contingent (Brandon and Matt)!

Feb 3, 2012

Monday: Sex at the Polls!

On Monday, February 6, NYU Fed-Soc will be co-hosting a panel discussion with Law Women, ACS, and Law Dems.  The event will be various current women's issues in light of the upcoming elections.

Representing the Federalist Society will be the American Enterprise Institute's Christina Hoff Sommers.  Dr. Sommers has been a vocal critic of twenty-first-century feminism and has made the case for conservative feminism.  She has written extensively, including two books entitled Who Stole Feminism and The War Against Boys.

Other panelists include Planned Parenthood's Faye Wattleton, Feminist Blogger and Litigator Jill Filipovic, and MergerWatch Director Lois Uttler.  The event will be moderated by NYU's own Prof. Cynthia Estlund.

A wine and cheese reception will directly follow the discussion!  Space is limited, so come early to grab a seat!

What: Sex at the Polls
When: Monday, Feb. 6 @ 6pm
Where: Greenburg Lounge

Jan 19, 2012

Event Wednesday: Eugene Kontorovich on Disputing Occupation

On Wednesday, January 25, Eugene Kontorovich will discuss the topic of "Disputing Occupation: Israel's Borders and International Law." The speech will examine such central questions as legal status of settlements, the “1967 borders,” and Palestinian statehood and self-determination.

Professor Kontorovich’s research spans the fields of constitutional law, international law, and law and economics. He has authored a series of papers that extend the economic analysis of law to public law. Prof. Kontorovich is also one of the leading experts on maritime piracy, universal jurisdiction and international criminal law. He has been called on to advise lawyers in historic piracy trials around the world. He is working on a book, Justice at Sea: Piracy and the Limits of International Criminal Law, under contract with Harvard University Press. His scholarship has been relied upon in numerous federal judicial opinions.

WhatEugene Kontorovich on "Disputing Occupation: Israel's Borders and International Law"
When: Wednesday, 1/25 @ 4pm
Where: Vanderbilt Hall 218

FREE FOOD will be provided!

Jan 17, 2012

Event Wednesday: Robert Levy on the Dirty Dozen

On Wednesday, January 18, Robert Levy will be visiting NYU to discuss his acclaimed book, The Dirty Dozen. Dr. Levy is the Chairman of Cato Institute and helped organize the 2nd Amendment case of District of Columbia v. Heller.  The Dirty Dozen is about the twelve Supreme Court decisions that undermined individual liberty and expanded government power. The book was coauthored by Chip Mellor from the Institute for Justice and the forward was written by our own Prof. Richard Epstein.

According to the book, the 12 worst Supreme Court cases include:

  1. Helvering v. Davis - Promoting the general welfare 
  2. Wickard v. Filburn - Regulating Interstate Commerce
  3. Home Bldg. & Loan v. Blaisdell - Rescinding Private Contracts
  4. Whitman v. American Trucking - Lawmaking by Administrative Agencies
  5. McConnel v. FEC - Campaign Finance Reform and Free Speech
  6. United States v. Miller - Gun Owner's Rights
  7. Korematsu v. United States - Civil Liberties Versus National Security
  8. Bennis v. Michigan - Asset Forfeiture Without Due Process 
  9. Kelo v. City of New London - Eminent Domain for Private Use
  10. Penn Central v. New York - Taking Property by Regulation 
  11. United States v. Carolene Products - Earning an Honest Living (footnote 4) 
  12. Grutter v. Bolinger - Equal Protection and Racial Preferences
Come ready to debate/defend your favorite abdication of judicial oversight!

What: Robert Levy on "The Dirty Dozen"
When: Wednesday, 1/18 @ 4pm
Where: Vanderbilt Hall 206

Of course, as always, FREE FOOD will be provided!